American Made
Built to last

Top Quality

Backed by our limited lifetime warranty and outstanding customer service, our goals are sure to exceed your expectations for years to come.

Great Value

We are the manufacturer – Not the middle man. Cut out the middle man mark-up and buy direct.

Made In USA

Built in Indiana from American made materials by skilled American workers.

Patriot and Pro Series

American Eagle Goals

Patriot Series

The love of basketball usually starts in the simplest places – in the driveway at home or on the blacktop at school. Unfortunately for many, it also starts on mediocre basketball goals, the kind that rust, topple or break after just a year or two. The American Eagle Patriot Series was designed with that exact problem in mind.

Pro Series

If you want to play at the highest level, you need the highest level basketball goal, and that’s exactly what you’ll find in the American Eagle Pro Series. Each of our Pro Series goals are built to look and play exactly like a professional basketball goal.

Why Choose American Eagle Goals?

When you choose to purchase an American Eagle basketball goal not only are you choosing the best built system on the market, you are choosing to support several Midwestern companies and the men and women they employ. Supporting local businesses contributes to the strength of local communities and provides jobs for future generations. The term “Made in the USA” has always been associated with quality craftsmanship and product superiority. We are proud to say our goals are “Made in the USA.”


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